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Integrated Offender Management

What is Integrated Offender Management?

Integrated Offender Management (IOM) is a coordinated approach to the management of offenders within the adult criminal justice system. While traditionally focused on tackling persistent offenders who commit a lot of crime, it has been extended in Wales to other priority groups jointly identified by partner agencies. It recognises that the complex needs of these individuals are most likely to be met by agencies working together and making the best use of local resources. More information about this work can be found here.

In 2020, the Home Office and Ministry of Justice published a new Neighbourhood Crime Integrated Offender Management Strategy – a unified approach to offender supervision in the community. 

[This new approach] puts neighbourhood crime prevention at the centre of IOM, to ensure swifter action, effective interventions and, ultimately, safer communities. Police and the Probation Service will work more closely to jointly supervise offenders and ensure fewer of them fall through the gaps of the justice system; and better links to community groups will be created to address the underlying causes of their criminality by directing them to the services they need to change their ways.

IOM Effective Practice: Leadership

IOM Cymru and the Wales Context

Vision – Working in partnership to reduce the number of victims by preventing crime and reoffending.

Mission – Reducing crime and reoffending in order to safeguard the communities of Wales (IOM Cymru Vision and Mission Statement).

Welsh legislation is informing the future direction of IOM in Wales by challenging us all to think about the well-being of future generations. This must include the management of offenders, as crime and justice both directly and indirectly impact on the well-being of individuals living across Wales, whether as a victim, perpetrator, family member or a member of the wider community, as well as impacting on a wide range of services. The IOM Cymru approach aligns with the Home Office IOM Key Principles (2015) and is underpinned by eight principles:

  1. Localised: working locally and at a regional level supported by national agencies where appropriate to reintegrate offenders back into their local communities.
  2. Integrated: working together to reduce reoffending using joint strategic planning, service design and delivery, including co-commissioning where possible, to increase joint accountability.
  3. Targeted: to where we can make the most impact on offending and reoffending to make the best use of taxpayer’s money.
  4. Individualised: recognising that all offenders are different, and we should support those who are ready to change and manage those who are not.
  5. Evidence based: sharing and using data on crime, risk and need together with emerging research on why people desist from crime, to develop appropriate responses locally.
  6. Holistic: working with not just those who offend but their families and the communities in which they live, who will be crucial in supporting them to stop offending.
  7. Restorative: encouraging offenders to recognise the impact of their offending and make amends both to the victim and the broader community.
  8. Outcome focussed: working to ensure investment is made in interventions that are proven to have a positive impact.

These principles have been enhanced through the Neighbourhood Crime Integrated Offender Management Strategy and IOM Cymru are refreshing their processes and cohorts accordingly.

Relevant legislation can be found under Adult Justice System

All information sharing within IOM should be done in line with data protection legislation, including, but not limited to, Data Protection Act 2018 and Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

The Academy for Social Justice is a network to share knowledge, skills and best practice to promote social justice through public services and civil society. Membership is free and include online and regional seminars, workshops, learning sets and conferences. Latest Events.

Useful Links

College of Policing Practice Guidance – Offender management

Read the Guidance

Welsh Government – Supporting those at risk of re-offending

Visit the Website

UK Government – Integrated Offender Management strategy

View the Strategy

IOM Cymru website and IOM Cymru Useful Links

Visit the Website

View the Useful Links

IOM Effective Practice: Partnership and Integration video.

View the Video

YouTube and other IOM videos via HMIP YouTube Channel

Visit the Channel

VAWDASV Perpetrator Service Standards Guidance 

Read the Guidance

Of note, additional guidance related to the latest IOM strategy is due to be published.

Help and Support

For victims, families and concerned people

Nacro has a dedicated Resettlement Plus Helpline which offers information and advice to ex-offenders, serving prisoners, their families and friends, and to organisations working with them. Call 0300 123 1999​.

National Prisoners’ Families Helpline website for England and Wales offers support for families who have a loved one in contact with the criminal justice system. Call 0808 808 2003 Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 3pm.

St Giles Trust runs a range of services designed to help ex-offenders with employment, support, community based training, and housing/ emergency accommodation. Call 020 7708 8000.

Unlock is an independent charity for people with convictions who are dealing with the effects of having a criminal record. They give advice and support across areas such as how to disclose to employers, criminal record checks, getting insurance and travelling abroad through their confidential peer-run helpline. Call 01634 247350.

Victim Support’s My Support Space is a free online resource containing interactive guides (including journey to justice) to help you move forward after crime. Also see Victims and Witnesses.

YMCA work in partnership with prisons and probation services to support offenders with citizenship and training opportunities pre-release. Call 0207 186 9500.

Support services are also provided in Wales by Nelson Trust; The Prison Advice and Care Trust (Pact); Safer Wales; St Giles Cymru and Prison Link (Pobl).